Friday, August 22, 2014

Tips To Look Sexy With A Corset

Tips to look sexy with a corset - There is a lot of effort so that while performing the body look slimmer. One way is to use a corset. But we have to know there are many options to find corset that fit to our body.
Tips to look sexy with a corset

1. For owners of large breasts, a corset with a large cup size is much more comfortable to wear than using a bra. The corset will lift the breast up while distributing weight and relieving pain commonly experienced around the bra strap or belt clasp. In order to maximize performance, choose a corset stitching technique that uses a dial plate (triangular inset) than regular stitches. The force is capable of supporting as well formed breasts without exaggeration.

2. If you have small breasts (B cup or smaller), try wearing a corset that is flat on the front. This corset can give the effect to doubling the size of your breasts. If you feel too loose, you can change or add the bra’s pads while wearing the corset.

3. Some of the women who have asymmetrical breasts, choose a corset with striped neck straight or flat shape breast. Add breast pads to add volume to smaller breasts. Reflect to ensure appropriate placement in order to look symmetrical.

4. For owners slender hips, the use of any kind of corset can enhance your body curves. But, you should still pay attention to the level of rigidity to keep your hips look slimmer. Clamps tight corset just below the ribs is better than tighten it tightly at the waist. Your waist can look more curvy.
Tips to look sexy with a corset

5. For those who have a body like an hourglass shape, you need a corset that tightens the hip shape. Lower priced corset is usually not good enough to establish your curve body.

6. For those of you who have problems with belly fat, a corset with a long torso pieces could be an option. Put on your corset with panties or stockings to give the effect of a smooth line curves.

7. The owners of a long torso are advised not to wear a long torso corset. You better use a short hip corset. Better yet, if the corset has a buffer grooves on the chest. Pair your corset with a high cut skirt because it will give a longer silhouette on your feet.

8. For the owner of a short torso, you should sew your own to fitting your bodice. If any buy ready-made, make sure you do not poke the thigh corset you when sitting. The breast support should not be just below of your breast in order to remain well rested. Choose a long-cut bodice in the front and rear but short on both sides in order to show the silhouette of the body that fits.

Those are about 8 tips to look sexy with a corset, may be useful for curvy and beauty blog's lover.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014


Tips to keep sweet and sexy pussy - The pussy or vagina is a sensitive part of the female body. If not treated properly, it will have a vaginal odor nuisance and interfere with your daily activities. Imagine if you had to look sexy but you are not taking care of your vagina, then you will not perform perfectly. Here we intentionally want to provide a way to reduce or eliminate the odor from the vagina that you can do every day at home.

If you do these tips correctly, then you will be able to keep the fragrance in your vagina and make it constantly protected from bad odor.

First, keep clean your vagina after menstruation.
When you have menstruation many women doing douche or clean the vagina with a particular tool. We recommend that when doing this activity, you consult a professional doctor.
This will prevent you from doing wrong when cleaning the vagina which will lead it more dirty. Remember that at the time of menstruation, there are a lot of bacteria and germs are lodged in your vagina.
Doing wrong in cleaning your vagina will make it increasingly difficult to perform maintenance again later.

Second, avoid the habit of using fragrances in your vagina. This is mostly done by women because they are considered believed can make their vagina smells good.
But it is not so because the current medical experts have found that there are some fragrances which proved to have panty linear. If this panty linear does not match to your skin it will cause irritation and even allergic.
Surely you do not want to experience this, that’s true? You intend to make the vagina smell but it will actually make you more vaginal irritation. To make sure you must checking the brands and quality fragrances before you purchase it to avoid future losses.

Third, do not use panty linear every day in the long term. If it's time to replace it immediately and do not wait too long anymore. This will help keep your vagina health. If your vagina is clean then the body will be protected from odor. At the moment there are your vaginal discharge, and is quite a lot, then it is time to replace you with a new panty.

Fourth, do not be lazy to replace your pads. Many women are lazy, changing pads, for some reason, this should not be done because it would make you have an infection and vaginal odor easily.
Besides, some obstetricians also advise that women should change the pads for 4 hours. It is important to stabilize the condition of the vagina and also reduce the opportunity for bacteria and germs to spread to the part.
When urination also you should immediately replace these pads. Bandages are useful to absorb the liquid that comes out of your vagina and there are some pads that are strong and not easily leak. But that does not mean you have to wear it all day without changing it at all.

Fifth, keep attention to the climate around you. Hot climate indicates that your body will sweat easily, as well as the vagina will experience the same thing. You can give the powder on the area around the vagina to protect from excessive perspiration.
Polynomial sweat can make you become vaginal odor and also easy to blister. By providing the powder around your vagina on a regular basis, then this problem will be resolved. Pick a powder that is soft and of good quality.

Sixth, do not use in very tight panties. This is important so as not to make a mushroom easy to breed in your vagina. Basically tight panties will make your body sweat easily.
This is what makes the bacteria and fungi love nest in the vagina and make it smell. If it is so, you will definitely feel disadvantaged don’t you? Wear clothing and panties that is loose and can certainly absorb sweat easily.

Seventh, make sure to use a mild soap when bathing. This is important so that no part of your body, especially vaginal abrasions during this activity.

Hope you will have curvy and sexy with smells good pussy.