Saturday, October 11, 2014


The Meals that Control your Sweat

The meals that control your sweat - Have a fat body will feel often sweating than you who skinny stature. Especially if you have body odor will greatly disturb your activity. No foul body odor is often caused by excessive sweating more when you often have activity. If left it will greatly disturb your appearance and make you not confident.
control the sweat

Is it true that using a deodorant can help to reduce sweat?

Deodorant does not fully solve the problems of body odor. Excess sweating problem here's what actually must first be overcome.

But what can control the number of sweat coming out from the body?

The Answer is “It can”.

The sweat secreted from the body there can be controlled by eating specific foods, such as some of the following The meal that control your sweat below:

control the sweat

All kinds of oysters and mussels contain high zinc and magnesium that benefits especially in terms of coping with excessive sweating. Each serving of oysters more or less 85 grams can fullfill the needs of approximately 19% of magnesium and zinc needs 10 times.

control the sweat

Zinc and magnesium can also be retrieved from crab. Crab meat by weight 134 grams provides 20% of the daily needs for magnesium and 70% zinc needs.

control the sweat

Kuaci look like snacks that are trivial. But kuaci rich in magnesium and zinc that are effective in controlling excessive sweating. In addition kuaci is low of calorie so you don't have to worry about body weight up when consumed this delicious snacks.

control the sweat

Other foods that can control excess sweating is yogurt. Dairy products this one is the result of fermentation which have content of healthy bacteria.

450 ml Yogurt, had a total of 37 grams of magnesium and zinc as much as 1.8 mg which will satisfy the 10% of the daily requirement.

Want to control excess sweating and say goodbye to body odor? Try to consume one of the meals above as your daily menu.


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