Tuesday, February 17, 2015


Leucorrhoea Treatment naturally - Leucorrhoea is commonly happen for women, though not a disease but a Leucorrhoea signs that your miss V has problems. Leucorrhoea or Flour Albus is the discharge or mucus from the vagina caused by bacteria infection, viruses, fungi or parasites.
Leucorrhoea treatment
If Leucorrhoea cause inflammation to the urethra, causing the pain when you are urinating. The signs if you experience vaginal discharge that requires serious treatment with greenish clear liquid that comes out of the vagina in excess such as menstruation, discharge is thick and has a fishy smell, the area around the vaginal feel itch or burning sensation in the vagina.
Until now the conversation solution to eliminate vaginal discharge is an interesting discussion for women. In the modern era and the development of medical devices are becoming more sophisticated.

Traditional ways heritage is still used to removing Leucorrhoea. Here are ways to eliminate the Leucorrhoea both traditional and modern:

1. Piper Betel Leaves

Piper betel is native to Indonesia, which contains oil, sesquiterpenes, starch, diatase, sugar, tannin and kavikol zar has a benefit in deadly germs, antioxidants and anti-fungal. Betel leaf useful in removing Leucorrhoea. How to take ten pieces of betel leaf has been cleaned and then boiled with two liters of water for five minutes, wait until the warm boiled water, use boiled water to wash the area of your vagina regularly for three week. Do not too often to wash the vagina with betel leaf because it will eliminating the good bacteria that should be able to keep your vagina PH.

2. Aloe Vera

Who would have thought the plants were efficacious for hair fertilizer material, which is known as biology, namely aloe vera contains vitamin C and vitamin E as a natural antioxidant. Aloe vera also contains antiseptic, antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral. Aloe vera can also be overcome discharge because it contains antiseptic, namely by taking part in the flesh of aloe vera and then cut into pieces and a blender, along with two cups of water boiled with five leaves bitter, wait until warm and use to wash the vagina, be done twice a day .

3. Bitter leaves

Plants originating from tropical Asia which has the Latin name Andrographis paniculata ness has lactone content, homoandrografolid, flavonoids, alkane, ketone, aldehyde, minerals, grit and resin acids. As for how to get rid of vaginal discharge with bitter is to take three boiled bitter plant stem with four cups of water up to two glasses of water and then strain and drink three times a day with a dose ¾ cup to drink.

4. Consultation with the Doctor

When you have problems with your whiteness often reluctant to come to the doctor for a consultation, but it makes you will have difficulty in overcoming the problem of femininity including leucorrhoea. Visit obstetrician to help you overcome the most effective discharge. Consult also the vaginal cleanser you use. By way of injecting cytostatica, penicillin, vaccination, and so on. Although not all leucorrhoea is hazardous but overcome early with a healthy life style then you will be protected from bacterial, fungal, and viral causes of vaginal discharge.


  1. Hi...
    Great post I like it.....
    Hashmi herbal is also a best natural leucorrhoea treatment for female. Best solution for white discharge problem available for this condition which cures it without causing any kind of side effects.

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